Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Young Hollins Squad Prepared for First Test

Classes are not the only thing that begin at Hollins University on Wednesday, September 1. The Hollins University soccer team opens its season that afternoon as it welcomes Salem College to Moody Field at 4:00 p.m. The game will mark the end of a long preseason that the players and coaches are ready to move beyond. Progress has been steady, and although Hollins was on the wrong side of the score sheet for both of its scrimmages, the coaching staff believes that the players have taken what they need from those experiences. At the core of the team's challenge has been learning a new system of play which most of the players have not played before. Nevertheless, coach Landon Moore feels confident: "We have a lot of new players, but this is a new system even for the returners, so we have spent a lot of time teaching the tactical side of things. Carrie, Annie, and I feel like the team has a good understanding after our two scrimmages, and we are excited to see what the girls can do in a live game."

Friday, August 27, 2010

Players Crush Baseline Times

The final 7 a.m. fitness session of the preseason revealed significant improvement for every player. Each of the three baseline records that were set on the first morning of preseason was beaten. Although Ashlie Caldwell was unable to run due to an injury, Hannah Smith and Sarah Knox ran the loop in 12:19, which easily trumps Caldwell's team fastest time of 12:50 on the first day. Sarah Knox impressed again in the shuttle as both she and Becca Logan averaged 32 seconds in the shuttle sprints. That time beats Holly Cook's time of just under 36 seconds which had previously set the pace. In the full field sprints, Becca Logan showed the speed that made her one of the fastest sprinters in West Virginia as she posted a 15.49 second average over three runs. Fitness Coach Annie Johnson downplayed her role as she credited the players for their improved fitness: "I just gave them a structure to work within. Without them pushing themselves and working as hard as they can, my job is pointless."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hollins Soccer Goes to Smith Mountain Lake

The HU soccer players enjoyed a break from their three-a-day preseason schedule with a trip to Smith Mountain Lake. The team left campus after its first two sessions in the morning and returned later that eveing. The much deserved time away from the field offered a chance for some r&r as well as a chance for the team to grow closer together. Activities included hanging out on the dock, playing with Coach Carrie O'Keeffe's children, and cooking a team dinner.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Controversy Mars Scavenger Hunt

The debaucle known as the Fall Sports Preseason Scavenger Hunt (participants pictured above) started innocently enough. The Hollins soccer and volleyball teams met in Tayloe Gym where they were split into five teams. Each team's mission: be the first to solve the riddles and take a picture of their team at each of the landmarks around campus. As soon as the rules were explained, the teams were off on their separate ways: to President Gray's house (Hollins' Obama lives here), to the Hollins rock (a picture of the wrestler, "The Rock"), to the Batten Leadership Institute (where leaders study), to Beale Garden (bouquet for Mrs. Beale), and so on. All appeared to be going according to plan, and, eventually, a winner was announced. The problem arose several minutes later when soccer coach Landon Moore overheard the "winning" team discussing one of their pictures. They had incorrectly photographed themselves at the theater when they should have been at the horse stable (find Bellagio, Full Dress, and Safe Harbor here), and this error went unnoticed by the official judge, volleyball coach Jason Kozak (in all fairness to Coach Kozak, he has been on the Hollins campus for less than a year after previously coaching at UVA). To say that the once winners, now losers were bitter about the mistake would be an understatement; objects were thrown and threats were made as Kristen Norkus, soccer team captain and goalkeeper, struggled to come to grips with her team's lost victory. Teammate Alicia Johns joined in Norkus' tirade. Once the dust settled, however, the deserving victors (pictured below) were recognized and rewarded with their valuable prizes.

A Big "Thank You" to Lorna Poole

Lorna Poole, mother of Sara Poole (aka Pooley), took some great photographs of the team warming up and playing 4v4 during the evening practice session on 8/21/10. Click on a picture below to view a larger version.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Yoga/Pilates Workout Allows Players to Recover, Build Core Strength

The Hollins coaching staff decided to go in a new direction when planning for the 2010 preseason. Instead of the usual two-a-days, the coaches added a third session for every day of the first week in preseason. The morning session is a 7:00 a.m. practice with fitness for the first 45 minutes and technical training for the second 45 minutes. The evening session is a 7:00 p.m. practice with a team tactics and possession focus. The second session is the new part; the players are working out with a yoga/pilates instructor after breakfast. The added session has two main purposes: 1. build core strength so that fitness will be maintained throughout the entire season and injuries will be prevented, and 2. stretch and recover muscles for the evening session. Although the results of adding the third session will not be known for some time, the team seems to be having fun and getting a lot from the extra workout.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Caldwell Records Fastest Time on the Loop

Ashlie Caldwell's time of 12:50 was one second faster than Holly Cook's. Sarah Knox, seen in the above picture rounding the corner at the top of the hill, finished third as she came in just over thirteen minuntes. The loop was the first of three timed runs that the Hollins players did as part of their first preseason practice. The other two runs consisted of three shuttle sprints and three full field sprints. Cook's average on the three shuttle runs was the best on the team while Caldwell had the best average for the full field sprints. The Hollins team is training three times a day to get ready for the season, which kicks off against Salem College on September 1.

Returners, First Years Report for Preseason

The 2010 season officially kicked off at 7:00 on August 18 as Hollins Soccer welcomed six new players to the program. The class of 2014 includes defender Sheila Anthony (Hagerstown, MD), midfielder/forward Ashlie Caldwell (Roanoke, VA), attacking midfielder Dani Franklin (Chesapeake Beach, MD), outside back Sarah Knox (Forest, VA), forward Becca Logan (Culloden, WV), and winger Morgan Wood (Roanoke, VA). The picture below shows Coach Carrie O'Keeffe introducing fitness coach Annie Johnson in the Camp Younts Conference Room. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Moody Field Ready for Action

Moody Field, home to Hollins Soccer, is primed and ready for another season.  The bermuda surface was installed in the summer of 2008 and remains in immaculate condition after two seasons of play.  The field has been called "one of the nicest fields in Virginia" by another coach and is undoubtedly one of the best playing surfaces in the Old Dominion Athletic Conference.  Hollins University opens its 2010 season at home against Salem College on September 1.