Friday, August 27, 2010

Players Crush Baseline Times

The final 7 a.m. fitness session of the preseason revealed significant improvement for every player. Each of the three baseline records that were set on the first morning of preseason was beaten. Although Ashlie Caldwell was unable to run due to an injury, Hannah Smith and Sarah Knox ran the loop in 12:19, which easily trumps Caldwell's team fastest time of 12:50 on the first day. Sarah Knox impressed again in the shuttle as both she and Becca Logan averaged 32 seconds in the shuttle sprints. That time beats Holly Cook's time of just under 36 seconds which had previously set the pace. In the full field sprints, Becca Logan showed the speed that made her one of the fastest sprinters in West Virginia as she posted a 15.49 second average over three runs. Fitness Coach Annie Johnson downplayed her role as she credited the players for their improved fitness: "I just gave them a structure to work within. Without them pushing themselves and working as hard as they can, my job is pointless."

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