Friday, November 12, 2010

Green Squashes Yellow in Powder Puff Contest

Las Green-gas Locas were unstoppable. Loaded with talent and excellent coaching, Green defeated Yellow by a score of 47-42 in Saturday's powder puff football game. The green team included soccer players Ashlie Caldwell, Alicia Johns, Dani Franklin, Sarah Knox, and Kristen Norkus, while soccer player Kelly Hunt was the key factor for keeping Yellow in the game. Emily Plecker was either a no-show for Green or she was covered in camoflauge and was not visible to the naked eye.

Trick plays were in abundance for both teams as they treated the fans to gems like hidden ball tricks, misdirection runs, flea-flickers and the armadillo. "They certainly had some good plays, but our aggressive gameplan paid off in the end," said green team defensive coordinator and volleyball coach Jason Kozak. Touchdown celebrations were another highlight of the game as both teams showed creativity and originality after their scores. Offensive coordinator and soccer coach Landon Moore credited the win to his team taking advantage of their opportunities: "The turning point of the game was the 5-point dance-off that we won. We have been working hard all year and making sure that we are covering every detail in practice, and it showed during that dance-off." Lacrosse coach Randy Polito officiated the game and did a horrible job -- according to this reporter, that is the only reason the game was so close.
celebrating the win

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