Sunday, December 5, 2010

Costa Rica, Here We Come!

Hollins Soccer held its first official meeting to discuss fundraising ideas and other details for a team trip to Costa Rica in January 2012.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, I wanted to share some pictures of two people that I am extremely thankful for: Caroline and Jack O'Keeffe. Caroline and Jack, four and two respectively, are Coach Carrie's children. They often make late game appearances on the sidelines during home games.

Caroline playing with Jacqueline Kozak

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Web Updates

Hollins Soccer's official web pages have been updated. Click on the following links to see them:

2010 Season Recap


Monday, November 15, 2010

Hollins Traditions: Ring Night

Ring night is an ever-evolving tradition in which seniors secretly adopt junior ring "sisters." The seniors take it as their responsiblity to make the juniors earn their class rings, thus making them participate in skits and other silly antics from Thursday night until Saturday night. After 48 hours of tasks and demands, the junior sisters learn who their senior sister is and recieve one of their four bottles of champagne which are given during each of the big traditions that students go through on their way to graduation.

Writing Odes and Top 5/10 Lists is a common task for the juniors. Here is a list that one of the players made for Coach Carrie:

Best 5 Things About Carrie
1. She is a defender.
2. She played professional soccer.
3. When 9 months pregnant, she can still run faster than you.
4. She is the perfect mom to her kids and players.
5. She is competitive with anyone who dares to challenge her.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Green Squashes Yellow in Powder Puff Contest

Las Green-gas Locas were unstoppable. Loaded with talent and excellent coaching, Green defeated Yellow by a score of 47-42 in Saturday's powder puff football game. The green team included soccer players Ashlie Caldwell, Alicia Johns, Dani Franklin, Sarah Knox, and Kristen Norkus, while soccer player Kelly Hunt was the key factor for keeping Yellow in the game. Emily Plecker was either a no-show for Green or she was covered in camoflauge and was not visible to the naked eye.

Trick plays were in abundance for both teams as they treated the fans to gems like hidden ball tricks, misdirection runs, flea-flickers and the armadillo. "They certainly had some good plays, but our aggressive gameplan paid off in the end," said green team defensive coordinator and volleyball coach Jason Kozak. Touchdown celebrations were another highlight of the game as both teams showed creativity and originality after their scores. Offensive coordinator and soccer coach Landon Moore credited the win to his team taking advantage of their opportunities: "The turning point of the game was the 5-point dance-off that we won. We have been working hard all year and making sure that we are covering every detail in practice, and it showed during that dance-off." Lacrosse coach Randy Polito officiated the game and did a horrible job -- according to this reporter, that is the only reason the game was so close.
celebrating the win

Friday, November 5, 2010

Offseason Workout in Full Swing

Hollins Soccer is doing something new for its offseason workout. Sarah Otey, assistant athletic director, has implemented the Vegas Pro workout system. The system closely resembles adjustable gymnastics rings, and can be used for a full-body strength training workout.  Research has demonstrated that suspension training results in strength gains equivalent to those seen in traditional strength training, and core stability and balance gains that far exceed those seen in traditional strength training. Studies have shown that this form of exercise training improve balance, kicking velocity, and torso stabilization. See the video in the link to see one of the exercises in motion.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Hollins soccer team had it's end of season banquet on Friday night. In addition to celebrating the program's most wins since 1991, the following awards were given:

Most Improved - Hannah Smith
Best Rookie - Ashlie Caldwell, Dani Franklin, Sarah Knox, Becca Logan, and Morgan Wood
MVP - Erica Smith
Tally Cup - Becca Logan

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Tinker Day!

One of Hollins' oldest traditions, Tinker Day, is taking place today. On Tinker Day, which has existed since the 1880s, students are awoken at dawn by seniors (nobody actually knows when Tinker Day is going to take place until that morning), who bang pots and pans in their decorated graduation robes to celebrate the event. After the president's official declaration, classes are canceled and students gather to eat doughnuts before hiking to the top of Tinker Mountain (pictured above) in the wildest costumes they can find with the faculty and staff. At the top of the mountain, students sing songs and perform skits before enjoying a traditional picnic of fried chicken and Tinker Cake.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Season Analysis: Freshmen Points

Hollins University led the ODAC with the most productive freshman class. Below are each school's freshmen point totals for goals and assists:

1.)  Hollins                                  51
2.)  Eastern Mennonite           43
3.)  Randolph                              36
4.)  Bridgewater                         28
5.)  Emory and Henry               20
6.)  Virginia Wesleyan              18
7.)  Roanoke                                15
8.)  Lynchburg                             7
9.)  Washington & Lee              5
10.)Sweet Briar                          5
11.)Guilford                                2
12.)Randolph-Macon               1

Broken down individually, Becca Logan led the way with 19 pts. (8g/3a), followed by Dani Franklin with 12 pts. (6g/0a), Morgan Wood with 9 pts. (3g/3a), Sarah Knox with 8 pts. (3g/2a), and Ashlie Caldwell with 3 pts. (1g/1a).

Monday, October 25, 2010

Senior Day: Shannon Haluszczak '11

Hollins University honored Shannon Haluszczak before her final game yesterday. Shannon has been a model Hollins student-athlete. An English major from St. Louis, Missouri, Shannon will graduate in only three years. During that time, she has been a rock in the defense starting 51 out of a possible 51 games.  She has earned the nickname “Bulldog” for her tenacious defense, which has been a big reason for Hollins’ goals against dropping by 30% during her career. Shannon has been one of our most consistent players and we’ll miss her leadership on the field. Good luck, Shannon.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hollins Players Photographed by Paparazzi

The Roanoke Times was on hand at the Roanoke Higher Education Center's anniversary celebration. As part of the celebration, Hollins soccer players Shannon Haluszczak, Mary Wells, Kelly Hunt, Alicia Johns, and HUTV's Executive Director, Daniella Eguiguren represented the University. Click on the link below to see the picture that appeared in the Roanoke Times' Extra section on Thursday, October 14.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Flashback: Coach Carrie O'Keeffe's Playing Career

Coach Carrie Moore O'Keeffe had a stellar playing career. A case can be made that she is the best female soccer player in the United States to never play for the National Team. Fortunately, Carrie was playing with Mia Hamm and Abby Wambach on the Washington Freedom, but the long list of attackers that she shut down includes some of the greatest goal scorers to ever play the game. That list includes Kelly Smith, Birgit Prinz, Charmaine Hooper, Tiffeny Millbrett, Marinette Pichon, and Katia. Below are quotes from teammates, coaches, and the media from the 2002 season.

Jen Grubb (Washington Freedom captain): “Carrie is my choice for [team] MVP.”
Siri Mullinix (Washington Freedom and national team goalkeeper): “Carrie Moore has been a tremendous player.... This season she's given us everything she has. We've put her on every top player on every team, and she's shut them down.”
Jim Gabarra (Washington Freedom head coach): “She's probably our most intelligent defender in terms of making the right decision and being at the right place at the right time. She never really makes a bad decision and that is really fun to watch.”
Anson Dorrance (PAX commentator, University of North Carolina head coach, former National Team coach): “The great story [of the Freedom's 2002 season], actually, was Moore marking the other team's best striker in each game and taking them out. She stayed with them and fought herself into a very successful season.”
Merrill Ring (CyberSoccerNews): “Carrie Moore [has developed] into a suffocating man marker.”
Lori Walker (Comcast SportsNet): “Carrie Moore right now is my leading candidate for defensive player of the year.”
Jennifer Thomas "J.T." (Fox SportsNet/CyberRays local broadcast color commentator): “Moore is an awesome one-v-one defender. I love watching that girl play.”
Dave Johnson (Comcast SportsNet): “Carrie Moore has been a big reason for the success of the Freedom on defense this season.”
Brian Straus (The Washington Post): “ Moore ... has emerged as a top marking back.”
Ken Wright (The Washington Times): “ Central defender Carrie Moore has played a pivotal role in man-marking opponents' high-powered goal scorers.”
Jim Gabarra (again): “Carrie really set the standard last year for what a one vs. one defender can be in this league..”

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Team Participates in S.H.A.R.E. Olympiad

S.H.A.R.E. put on its annual fund raiser to raise money for the RAM House. Below are pictures from the event:

Bubble contest.

Egg pass.

3-legged race.

Interview for HUTV.

Check presentation.

Shannon leading the congo line.

Taking the congo line to practice.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

HU Soccer Fan Club Unable to Will Victory

Even the most enthusiastic support could not get Hollins over the hump against Randolph-Macon on Saturday. R-MC scored in the 3rd minute of the game, and despite 17 shots from Hollins, the game ended 1-0. In addition to leading cheers during the game and providing half time entertainment, the supporters waved the rally flag in an effort to summon an equalizer.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hollins Soccer 2010 Mantra: "ALL IN. TOGETHER!"

Hollins soccer is set to begin ODAC competition this Saturday at home against Randolph-Macon College. Hollins goes into the game with a record of 2-2 while R-MC is 3-1. Hollins has gotten better with each game as the youthful squad has become more comfortable playing with each other and with playing at the collegiate level. Hollins has played an attractive brand of soccer that emphasizes possession and a creative, unpredictable attack. Coaches and players expect to improve every day and that attitude is reflected in the team's mantra: "All in. Together!" This chant, which echoes Moody Field before and after games and practices, demands full commitment and 100% effort from every team member. Just as importantly, it highlghts the togetherness that exists on the team as everyone works and battles for each other. Hollins soccer looks to accomplish their goals this season as the team puts the words of its mantra to practice.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hollins Knocks Off Bluefield

Hollins University went on the road Tuesday night and came home with its first win of the season. Hollins shutout previously unbeaten Bluefield College (2-1-1) moving to 1-1 on the season. The girls in green were dominant in possession of the ball, but found themselves tied at halftime. Ashlie Caldwell broke the deadlock midway through the second half with a beautiful goal. The play started with goalkeeper Kristen Norkus, worked its way through a midfield combination, and ended with a cross and finish by Caldwell. Sara Poole scored the team's second goal on a rocket from 20 yards out sealing Hollins' 2-0 victory. Hollins returns to action on Friday against Ferrum College at home on Moody Field.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Pictures From the Salem College Game

Many thanks again to Lorna Poole for taking such great pictures during the game on Wednesday. Hollins lost 3-1, but HU was able to make adjustments and control of the second half as they outshot Salem 14-5. Ashlie Caldwell (pictured above) was named "Man of the Match" for her play in midfield. She assisted Becca Logan (#5) on the goal and was a major factor in Hollins' dominant second half. More pics below:

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Young Hollins Squad Prepared for First Test

Classes are not the only thing that begin at Hollins University on Wednesday, September 1. The Hollins University soccer team opens its season that afternoon as it welcomes Salem College to Moody Field at 4:00 p.m. The game will mark the end of a long preseason that the players and coaches are ready to move beyond. Progress has been steady, and although Hollins was on the wrong side of the score sheet for both of its scrimmages, the coaching staff believes that the players have taken what they need from those experiences. At the core of the team's challenge has been learning a new system of play which most of the players have not played before. Nevertheless, coach Landon Moore feels confident: "We have a lot of new players, but this is a new system even for the returners, so we have spent a lot of time teaching the tactical side of things. Carrie, Annie, and I feel like the team has a good understanding after our two scrimmages, and we are excited to see what the girls can do in a live game."

Friday, August 27, 2010

Players Crush Baseline Times

The final 7 a.m. fitness session of the preseason revealed significant improvement for every player. Each of the three baseline records that were set on the first morning of preseason was beaten. Although Ashlie Caldwell was unable to run due to an injury, Hannah Smith and Sarah Knox ran the loop in 12:19, which easily trumps Caldwell's team fastest time of 12:50 on the first day. Sarah Knox impressed again in the shuttle as both she and Becca Logan averaged 32 seconds in the shuttle sprints. That time beats Holly Cook's time of just under 36 seconds which had previously set the pace. In the full field sprints, Becca Logan showed the speed that made her one of the fastest sprinters in West Virginia as she posted a 15.49 second average over three runs. Fitness Coach Annie Johnson downplayed her role as she credited the players for their improved fitness: "I just gave them a structure to work within. Without them pushing themselves and working as hard as they can, my job is pointless."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hollins Soccer Goes to Smith Mountain Lake

The HU soccer players enjoyed a break from their three-a-day preseason schedule with a trip to Smith Mountain Lake. The team left campus after its first two sessions in the morning and returned later that eveing. The much deserved time away from the field offered a chance for some r&r as well as a chance for the team to grow closer together. Activities included hanging out on the dock, playing with Coach Carrie O'Keeffe's children, and cooking a team dinner.